Bill (roaster) in Peru

Bill (roaster) in Peru

Coffee picking in Guatemala 

Coffee picking in Guatemala 

OUr Coffee

We were newbies to the coffee world and didn't want to pick a list of origins off a sheet, click a button and wait for our coffee beans to appear. We wanted to support genuine and direct relationships with farmers. The answer was to work with Cafe Campesino, our importer and roaster. They have been developing relationships with their farms for decades and ensure the best (and ethical) practices are carried out in a transparent process. They supply their importing documents, and we know each step along the way. All these pictures are from trips they have taken recently and put a face to the actual coffees we brew and serve on a daily basis. We are lucky enough to host some of these farmers in our coffee shop from time to time. All coffees we use are certified shade-grown, organic. 

Pedro and Pablo - our farmers in Guatemala

Pedro and Pablo - our farmers in Guatemala

Peru Pangua 

Peru Pangua